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A fast paced oththagraphic action platformer

Splatacle is a wacky 2D action platformer where you can't use any of your limbs. Instead, you've got to make use of your giant tentacle appendage to grapple and bounce around the map, dragging your useless body along as you go. Swing, bounce and splat your way through the lab, avoiding a scientist's dastardly pet cat as it tries to thwart your attempts to escape the 14 rooms in your path!

Splatacle was my major project assignment while i studied at AIE made across 15 weeks



Devaloper Commentary

Splatacle's story


You play the role of a someone that was experiemented on by scientists, your goal is to go through their tests then try to escape! with the naferious cat getting in your way, swing your way through the rooms passing enemys and hazards to get out.

What i did

  •  I worked on the Game design document

  •  assisted designing player and environment mechanics

  • designed the geyser mechanic
  • Programmed a colour customisable outline shader

  • designing levels in unity

  • applied feedback from playtesters

  • itarated on levels and mechanics


Features I'm most proud of

I was most proud of the geyser mechanic. It ended up being really fun, working and looking great thanks to the programmers and artists, i found it especially fun in the observation hall and the last level.


What i learnt

Through his project I learnt how to make a orthographic view game using 2d and 3d assets and how to properly structure them in layers to give the illusion they are all on one layer, as well as learning new uses of hack n plan to better organise my projects and also how to go from a small idea into a fully fledged game.

The team

Designers: Noah Rapetti, Jibrill Murphy, Rhys Adams

Artists: Chris Ottey, Lachlan Smith, Shay-Lee Atkins

Programmers: Ben Ioannidis, Jason Hastings

Sound Designers: Aiden Radcliffe, Eric Swansborough, Tim Duck

  • itchio-logo-textless-black

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